Sunday, October 16, 2011

Stink-Eye? Really?

So many preggos, like myself, are constantly judged by society. Apparently 'Pregnant' is latin for "Your business is everybody's damn business". I never took latin so you could imagine my surprise when I came face to face with a judging soul.

Everyone thinks that they know what's best for the average pregnant woman these days. Although I've been exceptionally lucky that my pregnancy has been going really smoothly, I understand that this is not the case for many women. Now-a-days, women are having children later in life (between 25-40 rather than the standard 16-25, 100 years ago) and because of this we babes are bombarded with new knowledge of the many ways that we could be killing our fetuses. Apparently we aren't supposed to be sniffing gasoline and drinking lighter fluid. Who knew?
In the 50s and 60s, pregnant women drank and smoked. I'm sure this trend carried on right up until 1985, the year after I was born. My Mom wasn't drinking or smoking through her pregnancies- WAS SHE MOM?!?!?!?!
I've noticed a trend in current mothering styles that are less relaxed about the 'small potatoes' and more concerned with including the idea that 'smother' can't be spelled without 'mother'. The worst part about this is that even now, its everyone's business. I would just like to say that even the village that raises the child has an idiot or two.

I love advice. As mentioned in previous posts, I will take any and all advice into consideration. I am jumping into the deep end of a pool without knowing how to swim. Please don't stop giving me helpful hints and ideas for the many thousands of ways to raise a healthy and happy child.
What I am saying is that I don't want to be judged for the choices I make throughout my pregnancy or motherhood. I can't be THAT bad a parent. Alex and I live about five doors down from a bad parent and I don't look like that. (I know, I judged but hear me out; I don't think that screaming at my children and the other children on the street is really the best form of communication. Also, hiring strippers while you are on welfare is not a phone conversation that the entire neighbourhood needs to hear about. There!).

So, here's where the story comes in.
Yesterday, after a horrible night's sleep, I decided to remedy my fatigue by attending my friend, Lucie's, Pump class. As mentioned a few posts back, I've learned to love the Pump (also, I love Lucie so it makes the 8:30am start time that much more pleasant).
I grabbed some nice light weights and set up my bar. A few of the other women in the class were concerned that my step looked wobbly. I assured them that it was supposed to be that way so I didn't have to lie flat on my back for the chest presses. They thought I was brilliant. I thought that was just the way it was supposed to be done so I could breathe. The ladies were very nice and happy to see me pumping.
After the warm up, we loaded our bars with our heaviest weights of the day for the squat track. Mine were pathetic. I didn't mind. Power squats hurt even without weight so I knew my legs were going to scream regardless.
As I went down for the third round of squats, I looked in the mirror at a woman who was staring at me. Not just staring, 'Stink-Eye' staring. I wondered if she just had a sour-puss but then I realized that she was shaking her head 'no' at me. I calmly shifted my gaze and continued to squat. Was this really happening? Was a woman in my fitness class really disagreeing with my decision to exercise?
She should have been at my previous two Body Attack classes that week and seen really scary things in action like me jumping and bouncing.
After class, as we were putting our equipment away, she looked at me again with the same stink-eye. Lucie came up and made mention that I was also an instructor and this lady finally softened her gaze.

First of all lady, if you have a problem with me, tell me. If you think that I shouldn't be doing Pump, grow a vagina and tell me!
Secondly, I wasn't doing crack. I was exercising. If you were my doctor, you would probably give me the okay. He did.
Lastly, even if I was doing crack, your stink-eye of judgement was uncalled for. What do you care what I do with my body? I got myself into this amazing situation. I'm sure I have the where-with-all to handle it.

I would also like to add that I have obstained from alcohol for the last eight months. I had to dry out after New Zealand and getting pregnant was a good excuse. Although I haven't been drinking, I will always taste something alcoholic and I will also consume small amounts of caffeine. 'Peanut' is fine.
The only judgement that people should be concerned with is that of medical professionals. If Captain Steve doesn't like the way I'm doing something, he'll tell me and so far, I've been a model preggo.

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