Monday, June 6, 2011

Hormones? *Censor note: this post contains barf*

As many of you know, with the first three months of pregnancy comes a whole world of unpleasantness. For me, I was most uncomfortble physically. As a fitness instructor and personal trainer, I found that it was hard to accept that I would have to take my workouts down a notch so that I wouldn't overheat or faint.
As a pregnant celiac, I found that these first few months were going to be a challenge navigating cravings and hormones. Luckily, I'm passed all that now. If anyone thinks that I went three months without at least one bizarre hormonal experience, they must be mistaken.

During the first trimester, many many women experience morning sickness. I was no exception. Around my 8th week, I began to notice that everything made me queasy but not nescessarily sick to my stomach. I was trying to be comfortable on a diet of ginger ale and sushi rice but I knew my diet was lacking. I tried peanut butter and crackers, bananas, chips, and finally iceberg lettuce. Everything worked fine and stayed down. Apparently, being properly nourished during the first trimester is tricky and you are recommended to try your best but not worry. I was taking my prenatal vitamins. Weren't those supposed to supplement all necessary vitamins and minerals? Only if they don't take your already amped up hormones and turn against you!

At the beginning of my 13th week, I thought I was in the clear. I had survived 12 weeks of nausea and made it through to the precieved bliss that is the second trimester. I was wrong again.
I woke up on Monday morning feeling okay. I went downstairs and shared a delicious breakfast of cereal and banana with Alex before he went off to work. I took my vitamin (as I did every morning), and began to organize myself for my day.
At about 9:30, my skin began to crawl and I got really woozy. I was more nauseous than I had been the entire first trimester. Thinking I was going to faint, I stumbled to the bathroom and lay down on the cool tile floor. As I lay there, still sweating and breathing heavily, I noticed that my bathroom floor was kinda yucky. I reached up and grabbed a wad of toilet paper to wipe the floor. Although dizzy and feeling awful, I have to admit that the floor did look better. Just as I reached up to put the toilet paper in the trash can, I felt my stomach twist and I was gagging. Nothing was coming out but I knew it was only moments before the real show was about to start. I lifted the toilet seat and looked into the bowl.
*I would like to make a note here that I clean my bathroom once a week, every week. It was tidy but not spic and span at this point.*
My toilet bowl was not looking so nice that day and I soon realized that if I was going to puke, that toilet was not clean enough for me to puke in.
I got up and grabbed the Lysol cleaner and the brush and went to work scrubbing my toilet bowl; all the while gagging my face off.
Once the bowl was clean, I put the cleaner and the brush back and began the big show.

I know you are wondering what has possessed me to become someone who cleans their crapper before they puke in it? Well, I'm blaming it on the "Mommy instincts" created by everyone's favourite adrenal secretion, hormones.
I can't possibly be the first pregnant woman to do something biarre like this. I'm sure if my own mother had morning sickness, she would have done the same (or not bothered and puked in the sink). Either way, anything I puked in that day was going to have to be cleaned; I figured that I was proactive in my endeavour. Rather than looking at this scenario as being hyper-neurotic, I'm optimistic thht this can only prepare me for what's to come.

As for the prenatal vitamins, I've since held off taking them until I see my doctor for my monthly checkup. The following Wednesday, after the big show, I took the vitamins and fainted. Lucky for me, I was in the comfort of my own bed by the time I went down but I suspect that there is something in those pills making me ill.
They are gluten free, diary free, etc. I'll keep everyone posted. :)

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