Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Working on my night cheese...

Pregnant women may be drowsy most of the time; but to believe that all we do is sleep is a complete fabrication of the truth.

Before I knew I was pregnant, I found myself sleepy during the day and waking up at all hours of the night for various reasons: I have to pee, I'm hungry, Alex smelled bad, etc...

Until recently, repeat bathroom trips were my most common reason for getting up in the night (or cleaning up Marley's barf).
Last night, and the night prior, were a little different.
Toronto has been gradually warming up to its temperatures mounting on "blazing inferno", so the last few weeks have been hard to keep comfortable. Alex and I have air conditioning but it doesn't seem to chill our room down to a nice comfy 10 degrees I've grown accustomed to over the winter and spring months.
Last night, after two bathroom trips and hours of tossing and turning, I discovered my real problem; I was starving.
Pregnancy articles warn the expecting mother against starving herself with horrifying statistics and terrible stories of how your baby could come out with only one leg because you waited too long to eat. Being a natural cynic, and assuming the majority of pregnancy articles are written by hypochondriacs, I figured that ignoring the problem would make it go away.
Twenty minutes later, I felt my stomach do a backflip and I began to drool uncontrollably.
Luckily Alex was not awake to witness the bizarre transformation of his beautiful wife into what I can only describe as a ravenous pregzilla. Roar!
I got out of bed and stumbled downstairs. I grabbed some cereal and almond milk and downed that snack in 30 seconds flat.
After my snack I went upstairs and crawled back into bed. It was about 4:30am by this time and I desperately needed my beauty sleep.

During the day today, I tried to get some quality food into me and a decent nap. I also exercised. Everything helped a little but I've learned my lesson; rice cakes in my undie drawer for convenient snacking is the way to go.

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