Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Pregnancy: Like Puberty without the paranoia!

The good news is that, I know I'm not alone.
Funny enough, Alex and I recently found out that our next-door neighbours are also expecting. They are due 7 days after us! Neat!

I don't feel alone in my journey, however I often feel like I'm the only one with excessive puberty-like symptoms. Most of the preggos I've seen are looking great. I seem to be the only one that defines the word frumpy.

First of all, I started out hairy. Someone pissed in my genetic gene pool and lucky me, I got light olive toned skin with tons of dark dark brown hair EVERYWHERE. I don't mind the hair usually; I've become really good at waxing. During the last few months, I've noticed that my hair has been rapidly growing and becoming super strong. So, this means that I'm waxing more frequently and with much more rigor. Those pesky hairs on my chin are holding there for dear life. Regardless, waxing still hurts and leaves me with irritated skin prone to: ACNE!

ACNE. Boo!
As a teenager, my skin had the occasional zit. Now, with all the waxing and plucking, I've become a zitzo-pizza face. The acne is uncomfortable but again, not the end of the world. It doesn't draw any more attention to me than normal and people are very kind to you when you tell them you're pregnant. They tell you that you have a "glow". Of course I have a "glow"; there is a bright red beacon at the end of my nose large enough to guide Santa Claus!
For the record, I am glowing. My skin has an interesting sheen to it that it never had before.
That's a plus.

Lastly, during puberty we all gain a little weight. Same happens in pregnancy. It doesn't matter that I've kept up my same lifestyle and actually started eating less, I've still got that pre-pubescent chubb. I think it adds to my glow (or just my ass).

The good news is that there are tons of women going through the same thing. I highly doubt that they are waxing as fearcely as I am but they probably have other concerns like unstoppable morning sickness. Ick!

I do remember puberty being way more of a drag than pregnancy is. I think the worst part about puberty is that although everyone is technically going through the same symptoms of weird hair growth, zits and weight gain, it was somehow mortifying. The fear that everyone was watching you was more than just paranoia, it was reality. The horror of the person sitting next to you in you grade 7 math class was passing notes to the girl behind her about your "beard" or giant pimple on your cheek was awful and mean. It also happened more often than we would like to remember.
I'm pleased to note that at 26, I have found that most people don't care about the small stuff on your face (or your ever expanding rear end); people are simply pleased that you and your partner have decided to welcome another life into your hearts. There will be plenty of time to talk about my weird body after the baby is born. Hopefully by then, my ass will have shrunk and I will have found an acne remedy that actually works. As for the hair, I'm in it for the LONG haul.

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