Friday, September 16, 2011

A-CHOOOO, A-CHOOOO (must apart of the 28 week torture)

I know I haven't been super sympathetic to Alex when he suffers the 'Man-Cold' in the past.
Seriously though, some sniffles and a cough do NOT warrant three days worth of pity especially if there are drugs available at your disposal to ease symptoms.

I must have angered the 'seasonal-cold Gods' with my lack of sympathy for my poor husband because now I am suffering.
This post is not to make you all feel badly for me. Really! I'm okay.
I can't take any drugs (even though I gummed a lozenge last night because I thought my throat was going to implode). 'Peanut' is still kicking. Probably as a result of all the hot lemon water I've been drinking. Vitamin C has been a staple in my diet ever since I can remember so I'm hoping that its magical healing powers will begin to work soon. I'm on the mend and that's good news. It means that I can finally put this week of torture behind me.

What torture may you ask? Well...

As per my last post, I told you all about the Glucose Tolerance Test.  Here's a recap:
Emma goes to Captain Steve and he orders a test whereby Emma drinks 50ml of orange goo. The orange goo makes Emma feel great for about 30 minutes and after that her blood sugar drops off. Emma is tempted to get cozy with homeless guy on Bloor Street because of her low blood sugar but decides to stumble back to the clinic. Just before her blood test, Emma starts to feel better. Emma drives home and sleeps off any residual feelings of ick. That is when she realizes that she has the beginning stages of a cold.

So that was Wednesday.
Yesterday I had my RhoGAM shot. I mentioned it in the previous post and I think I explained why I needed it. I have O negative blood. The 'negative' part of my blood is my Rh factor and that has potential to hurt 'Peanut' if she is Rh positive. Because Alex is Rh positive, chances are good that 'Peanut' could be too and therefore I get a day of Mount Sinai Hospital nonsense to deal with. The good news is that I'm O negative! I'm a universal donor! Be nice to me, I have rare and delicious blood ripe for donating to everyone. The bad news is that I'm rare and I can only have O negative blood, so give it up if you've got!

I went to the hospital yesterday for my 9:30 appointment. No biggie. I was going to TTC and then hoof it but because my cold was making me feel a little lousy, I decided that I'd fork over my life savings in parking fees instead.
After I checked in with the RhoGAM people I was sent to, they sent me away and said they'd see me at 11:00. First I needed to get sucked for blood. Seriously???!!! I gave a healthy donation yesterday! Couldn't you take from that stock? Are you sure I need to get poked again? I'm here for a shot. Fine! Suck me dry.
I went to the world's most disorganized lab. There were two people working and a whole gaggle of cranky preggos waiting. We all took numbers but no one was being processed. I sat down next to a group of friendly looking ladies and waited. Because I was holding the magic pink RhoGAM forms they took me almost right away. Lucky me. I would have been pretty pissed if I was one of the other women waiting longer though. I did speak up on their behalves but I got priority.
Then I got to wait, and wait, and wait, and wait.

At 11, I waddled back to the RhoGAM people and they said that the shot would be arriving soon. 45 MINUTES LATER the shot arrived and I was poked once again. By now its 11:45. I got out of there around 12 only to find out that the parking station wouldn't accept my visa. I angrily ran over to the bank to take out some cash and finally leave. (I was too mad to waddle at this point!)
At this time I was starting to feel REALLY lousy but I had a prior engagement I needed to attend. Inevitably I was late but getting home after that never felt so good.

Alex felt really bad for me so we got to have pancakes with bacon and whipped cream for dinner. Breakfast for dinner is one of my favourite things. We don't do it often because neither of us want a coronary.

To all the potential preggos and present preggos out there, please note:
28 weeks may seem like a great milestone. You are in your final trimester after all. Do not be fooled like I was. This is a week of unbearable aggravation and you will be a human pin cushion (unless you are lucky enough to have Rh positive blood).
Also, if you happen to get a cold this week too, be ready for some real hormonal shit storms. Nothing is going to make you comfortable and if you thought breathing was tough before you were congested, think again.
My only word of advice is this: be nice to your partner. They don't want to see you sad and uncomfortable. There will be plenty of that during labour and recovering from childbirth. Save it. Who knows? Maybe you will get a week's worth of Breakfast for dinner after the baby will more likely be because you don't know what time it is and every meal will seem like breakfast time.

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