Sunday, September 4, 2011

Posting Again. Welcome Trimester #3!

I'm so sorry that I haven't been posting recently. To be honest, the second trimester was really uneventful. All the Preggo-books say that the second trimester is the "Pregnancy Honeymoon". My wedding honeymoon was spent on a melting ski hill in New Hampshire while I lay around groaning from a ruptured ovarian cyst. I actually had a great time! We managed to ski and shop in the little town of North Conway. I guess I have a jaded view of what a honeymoon is really like so I guess I had a fairly nice pregnancy one. Nothing to write about (ha ha, obviously) but good none-the-less.

As for the update, here it is:
I'm now almost 27 weeks and feeling okay.
Thanks for asking.

Everyone always wants to hear good news and I feel badly when I can't deliver good news. The best news I have is that 'Peanut' is fine; Alex and I are fine; our house is in shambles; and the summer is coming to an end.
The last two points would seem to be bad news to some but having a house turned upside down is great for me! It means that I get to nest and get ready for Peanut. Having the summer end is also good news. I'm HOT! I want autumn so I can wear pants again. (Alex wants autumn too because I've taken to a 'clothing-optional' lifestyle here in the house and having your ever-expanding wife strut around almost naked with the windows wide open makes for an uncomfortable greeting by the neighbours).

Today Alex and I painted 'Peanut's' room.
It's a beautiful grey/purple. Don't let the colour spoil your surprise of 'Peanut's' sex, we were going to paint is a greyish purple colour either way. Purple is both my Dad and Sister's favourite colour. I also love it and Alex looks great in it.
We decided to redo the room at the beginning of August.
Peanut's room is 10x6. Teeny tiny!
The best part about it is that when we moved into the house, there was a beautiful built-in bed (unfortunately covering the heat/AC vent...stupids). The bed had to go. Alex and I cleared the room and took the bed apart. My Mom and Sister came over to help demolish and move pieces of said bed into a garbage-like location (my front porch). The room opened up to its true closet size and we began to worry about how we were going to get any furniture into there. Luckily we found some furniture that we will purchase at a later date and it will fit.
As for the paint colour, we knew pretty much what we wanted. I also wanted to paint the room with NO VOC paint. I wasn't expecting it to be an investment. I've spent less on weekly groceries than I did on the paint. Holy Cow! It turned out to be a good choice overall and I do recommend it (even if you have to have a well-organized and profitable financial portfolio to afford it... I don't, but I bought it anyway).
There was no smell and very little mess. The room is now a lovely purple and once we are done with coat #2, we can kiss the pea-green walls a final goodbye and get ready for Peanut.
I still feel fine.
Thanks for asking.
Gone are the days where mama-to-be has to crash at her parents' while the stinky paint dries in her nursery. She just needs to be well invested to afford a good night's sleep with her spouse (in their blazing inferno of a house).

I love it every other year but this one. This is not to say that I haven't had a good time; on the contrary! I've had an amazing summer. I spent some time at the cottage (not a lot of time due to the cries-not calls- of nature), I got to see old friends, go to an awesome fitness conference, kick around in the city, and enjoy the ample sunshine. Because of this fantastic weather, I've been hot. The hormones make for a hot-mama but add a few days of +30 degrees and we've got a cooked mama. Oye!
Fall will bring with it more than just cool weather; it will be my last season of my pregnancy and for that I'm super excited.
I don't mind being pregnant so much. I can't say that I love it because then you'd all think that I was full of shit. You'd be right!
I have been really lucky to have a fairly easy pregnancy. Peanut is growing. I'm growing. I feel the same as anyone who is growing another human being inside them: tired, hungry and a tad bit irritable. Lucky for me, I'm not quite at hippo-size yet. At 27 weeks, I'm actually kind of small. Peanut is a healthy size but my rock-hard abs are keeping me compact. Good thing! Finally, all the exercise I've been doing has paid off and I can look like a regular person who just ate too many cheeseburgers rather than Preg-zilla.

So, even though the 'honeymoon' may be over, I'm still hanging in. My wedding honeymoon ended bittersweetly too. I'm happy to welcome the next chapter of my pregnancy but I'll miss the energy and normalcy of trimester #2.

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