Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pregnant + Sick + 2 Unpleasant Procedures? Ick.

Hi-o everyone!
I know it's been a while since my last post but I have a good excuse. I'm sick.

Last week Alex was politely excused from work because he was suffering from the sniffles. I was home to witness every tissue and cough. To help the poor guy out, I made a kick-ass chicken soup (which he never got because I ate it all). As Alex would say, "Who's a little piggy?". The answer is me. The truth is that the soup really was too good to share.
Anyway, don't feel bad for the guy.
He got to take a whole cocktail of cold medication to make his symptoms go away. Also, after the snot-monster touched everything in the house, I cleaned the entire structure from top to bottom. It looks great! Our house isn't that big but undertaking a strict cleaning regimen of all three floors is a lot of work for a preggo.

For the duration of his bout with the sniffles, I was within breathing distance, so I caught his cold.
Being sick while pregnant sucks. My symptoms aren't terrible ( I don't have phlegm or a cough); I just feel worn out and have a killer headache and sore throat.
I went to see Captain Steve today for a routine 28 week checkup. While there I asked him if there was anything I could do to ease the suffering of my cold. He said no. BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Just when I thought it couldn't get much worse, he told me that I had two routine procedures I needed to get done.
The first one was my glucose tolerance test for gestational diabetes. I knew this was coming.
Basically, I had to drink 50ml of flat orange pop, wait an hour and have some blood taken. No I thought.
I wasn't feeling particularly good this morning but decided that the test wouldn't kill me so I went for it. I downed the orange concoction in about a minute and decided that I should get some fresh air for the next hour. I was in the Annex (for those who don't know Toronto, you should note that the Annex is a pretty great place to walk around on a sunny afternoon). I window shopped and debated picking up some goodies for lunch after my blood test until all of a sudden, it hit me. If there was a doubt as to whether or not I felt awful before the orange goo, it was now confirmed that I was in a full-blown sugar spike. I thought I was going to die! First my blood sugar shot right up and I felt good (hence the window shopping) then, after about 30 minutes, my blood sugar dropped off so suddenly that I debated making myself comfortable next to the resident homeless guy outside Lee's Palace. I casually stumbled back to the clinic and sat down in the waiting room. Let me rephrase, I lay down in the waiting room, closed my eyes and prayed that this feeling would pass.
There are many useful skills preggos learn throughout their gestation and the most valuable one for me has been breathing. I focus on controlled breathing anytime I'm in unbearable discomfort. (Yes, this included my 'round ligament on the toilet' fiasco). I breathed in and out until it was time to have my blood collected. The minute I stood up, I felt like I did when I came in to the clinic two hours earlier; suffering from my cold but otherwise fine. Weird.
Blood was drawn and I left.

Apparently this test makes most preggos feel awful around the half hour mark. For me, that was good news because as I lay there in the clinic, I debated the thought that I might actually have gestational diabetes. Yikes!
I've come to the conclusion that if I do have it, then I'll deal with it. There is no point worrying about it now.

The second procedure is tomorrow. I'm scheduled for a RhoGAM shot at the hospital. Apparently it's no big deal. Every time I go to Mt. Sinai for some small 'no big deal' appointment, it turns into a full day commitment and $40 in parking! I'm taking the subway tomorrow and hoping that my 9:30am appointment actually happens at 9:30am.

Until today, I was a little fuzzy as to what a RhoGAM shot was. Thanks to the pharmaceutical company that makes them, all my questions have been answered. Thanks Ortho-Clinical!
So, everyone's blood type is either Rh negative or Rh positive. If you are Rh negative and you mate with someone who is Rh positive, apparently the antibodies in your blood can attack your baby. We don't want that please. If I was Rh positive, then I wouldn't have to go through with this nonsense (or so Captain Steve and the makers of RhoGAM say so).
I don't know if it works the other way or not but Captain Steve seems to think that this is a good idea.

When I spoke to my Mom about this, she said that it is more common to have this done for subsequent pregnancies. I guess we are nipping this one in the bud early so that I don't have to worry about it when 'Peanut #2' is on its way. Or not.
I'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow. Either way, I'm going to Mt. Sinai tomorrow and I'm due for some inevitable aggravation.

That being said, I'm still feeling crappy from both my cold and now the after effects of my sugar-high.
Let's see what tomorrow brings!

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