Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Good Side of Hormones

It has been about 21 weeks now and I figured that there was no time like the present to reflect on what I have learned about myself as Preggo-saurs Fox. (That is my official title. I'm doing away with the Emma and just calling myself Preggo-saurs Fox). <-- Just kidding. Please continue to call me Emma, Em, Foxy, Fox, Emshkies, Emmy or, what Alex calls me, "HeyEm?" (Yes, its one word). 

Over the past twenty weeks or so, I have learned a great deal about my body and myself. Most of these snippets of wisdom have been shared with you over the past two months in my blog. I'm delighted that so many of you enjoy reading it. I've heard tons of super feedback and so I'll continue to try to make you all smile. 
There is some wisdom that I have to admit that I have kept to myself (like 'Peanut's' sex, the daily bowel movement report and the really uncomfortable moments that my Mom considers apart of my whiny nature. I assure you all that I am whiny; however if you had the feeling of 1000 knives stabbed into your lower back, you'd be whiny too). 
As for the more general wisdom, I'm going to continue to keep it public. I believe that if I can share my experiences with you, regardless of whether or not you are planning to have children, have children or never want children, you can both celebrate and empathize with me about the miracle of childbearing. 

Over the past many weeks, I've griped about the hormonal takeover that has plagued my body and soul. Although I have a beard (which I have recently waxed) and become the poster-child for Proactiv acne products, there are some hormonal side effects that have made me smile. 

#1: I glow. 
My skin doesn't but the hormones are responsible for making me walk around like at grinning idiot even if I'm in a terrible mood. Luckily, this wears off and I can go back to being my usual grumpy self in the comfort of my own home. (Lucky Alex!)
I am generally happier as a whole. I don't know if I can blame the hormones for this but I will give them the benefit of the doubt considering the other crap they dish out. Could I still be excited about being pregnant? You'd think with the back pain that it would have killed any excitement by now; hence my hormone theory. 

#2: I have grown to LOVE (seriously) LOVE animals. 
I want dogs, cats, bunnies, fish, hippos, giraffes, squirrels and anything else animal like around me. Time to go to the zoo! 
Lucky for me, I have a cat. He's a pest at best. As mentioned in previous posts, he is truly a handful and with the baby coming, he is going to quickly learn his place. After last week's kick in the bits, Marley has already learned a good lesson from 'Peanut' and he will continue to be taught (even if it means that he is going to have his tail gripped or whiskers pulled). 
This weekend I moved Marley in with his 'Grandparents' (My Mom and Dad) while I cat-sit for a friend of mine. I'm sure my friend was super excited to have me help her out but I'm sure she didn't know she was that leaving her cat with a couple who is 1. Crazy in love with animals from hormones and 2. So excited to love something that they want to play and cuddle with it all the time. Lucky for all of us (cat included) this arrangement has worked out well. Alex is super in love with the cat too. Maybe my hormones are contagious?!!! Oh no! There is only space for one vagina in this relationship and I call it! He's probably just happy not to have his hand bitten off every time he leans in to pet the cat. (Ya, that's it...).

#3: The food. 
When you're hopped up on hormones that are there to make you gain weight, food tastes amazing. Ontario peaches are in season and I could eat the entire basket. The juice drips down your chin and all over your arm to make a delicious, sticky experience that can only bring tears of joy to your eyes. 
Even simple things like Friday night dinner at my parents' house last week was incredible. We had tacos. Seriously, tacos. The meat and veggies were a symphony of flavours in my mouth. 
I'm sure you are all wondering about my cravings. To that I answer, what cravings? I like everything (except super sweet things and ice cream. I know, weird). 
I'm not craving anything major. I've always liked pickles so no shocker there when I run down to the kitchen before dinner and have a late afternoon pickle on occasion. 
Overall, food is good any time but when you're pregnant, food is fantastic! 
Another good note would be that I haven't yet put on a crazy amount of weight from my love of food. I'm keeping it healthy and not indulging (except for last week's cheese fiasco-NEVER doing that again. I promise). I'm also exercising like my usual maniac self so there is a good chance that my preggo weight will come off after 'Peanut's' grand arrival. 

I'm sure my feelings towards my hormones will change by next week but because they make me feel like I'm on really strong anti-depressants, I'll give them some credit for making my life somewhat pleasant among the discomforts and aggravations of pregnancy. 

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