Monday, November 14, 2011

Been Formally Granted the Right to Eat Everything in Sight!

So, as you all know, I LOVE to eat. Eating is probably my most favourite activity...ever.
I understand the consequences of overeating (being a personal trainer and all). For my pregnancy, I'm embracing the idea of doing what I love to make me feel good. And I feel like eating.

My pregnancy books tell me that near the end of my pregnancy, I may loose my appetite or be unable to manage large meals because of the lack of space in my abdomen. At 37 weeks, this has not yet presented itself as too much of a problem. I can't eat TONS of food all at once, but over a longer period of time, I can manage a plate full of lasagna followed by salad, ice cream, pie, and rice pudding. Om nom nom!
The good thing about this is that I stopped feeling ravenous at weird hours and I'm managing to pack away enough calories to fuel myself and 'Peanut' through the last few weeks of our intimate time together.

I am also eating much more frequently which is holding the heart burn at bay and allowing for lots of variety. It is always recommended to eat smaller, more frequent meals for any and all cases. This way, ravenous hunger never takes hold and one has less of a chance of over-indulgence.

My biggest problem, these days, is the actual quality of food. I've clearly had too much sugar and I know it. Sugar is all my body wants to eat. I just want to carb-out on anything sweet and cakey.
This is where the celiac disease come in handy. Instead of sending Alex out to get cake, I actually have to commit to making cupcakes or buying overpriced, Gluten-Free goodies. Candy is not something I have been craving either so the task of satisfaction gets much harder to fulfill.
My parents have been sympathetic to my cravings and so GF/Vegan cinnamon buns and GF cherry pie has been hoovered with great success over the past few weeks. Alex, on the other hand, has been quiet (GOOD) but skeptical about the goodies. He's taken the approach of "Please do not feed my wife sweets unless she is holding you up at gunpoint!"
It's not about my weight. It's about the 'Crazy!'

When my sister and I were little, my parents, limited our sugar intake. People would offer candy and chocolate to us and we would politely decline with, "We can' makes us crazy".
For the most part, my parents were right. Sugar does make kids crazy. It still makes me cry and this is why Alex tries to help me limit my intake. To this day, I'm thankful that my teeth are as lovely as they are but by not having the opportunity to gorge ourselves on candy until we barfed, we were denied a rightful passage into common sense candy/sweets moderation. Both Wendy and I LOVE candy and I LOVE cakes an cookies. In my pre-exercise days, I had been known to eat an entire batch of cupcakes over the course of an evening. For the record, I was in University and feeling pretty shitty about myself so 12 cupcakes seemed like an easy fix. This emotional eating was replaced by masochistic exercise. (Also occasionally harmful but allowed for me to eat so it isn't all bad).

During pregnancy, I have found that the ups and downs of my emotions have fuelled justification for cookies and cupcakes. For my sake, I have tried to be cautious about over-indulgence and adhered to a very strict exercise schedule. I find that if I work the sugar out of my body with exercise, then there is less of a chance for 'Crazy'. The endorphins work as a counter balance to the 'Crazy'.
Thankfully, I've been feeling good enough to be able to balance my munchies with some endorphins and a good sweat.

Now about the weight:
I've gained 30lbs of baby-weight.  I will probably have it just like everyone else. It will be a struggle to loose... also, just like everyone else. The way I see it is a bit different than how everyone else does. I have plans to try and get back into shape after my pregnancy for my sanity rather than my body.
Physically being my former self is not something that I need to aspire to be. I am about to be a new mom. I will have done the greatest, most amazing miracle with my body. I will have given the gift of life!
If I have a few extra pounds as a permanent side effect, so be it. My body will never be the same. I will have done the ultra-maration of labour and birth. Physically my body may look a bit deflated and puffy and my "woman-business" may never be the same; but psychologically, I will have a whole new tolerance for pain and patience.

So, I like to eat cake. So, it made me a little rounder. I know that before I begin my birthing journey, I'm proud of my body for all the neat things it does and has let me do. As long as I am healthy and comfortable in my skin, weight is immaterial. Anyway, confidence is way more attractive on me than any pre-prenatal outfit and I'm hoping to sport it for many many years to come. It's not what I look like on the outside, it's how I feel on the inside. Right now, I feel like I could use another slice of cherry pie.

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