Thursday, November 17, 2011

Preg-Tastic List Of 'Awesome' Things To Do

As you may know, I haven't had a particularly decent week.
The fender-bender was a drag; the work-dudes on my street have been a headache; and my poor sister (and her new kitty) aren't feeling very well. If you are chums with Wendy, I'll let her tell you her story. I'd rather not go into it any more than I hope she feels better and that her kitty feels better too.

So, you may be wondering how I'm doing. Or, you're not because you don't give a damn. (But seriously, if you didn't give a damn then you wouldn't be reading this blog now would you?).
I'm doing great.
Against all odds, I'm feeling really good.
As weird as it sounds I have never felt better. I have oodles of energy and I have actually accomplished a lot in the past few days. I've managed to exercise, train most of my clients (sorry again about today, Jess), deal with my insurance company (and the very strange collision-fix-it place), go to the doctor (twice!), and make 36 cupcakes for my friend's son's fourth birthday party. This is not normal for a woman in her 37th week of pregnancy. We all knew I wasn't normal from the start but this is borderline insane.

At this point, my pregnancy tomes have advised that I get as much rest as possible. I personally feel like I've slept through my entire pregnancy and now that I feel good, I should use this energy to get as much 'awesome' done before the baby comes. This doesn't mean that I'm going to run out every minute of the next three weeks. Basically, it means that I'm going to try and enjoy this energy and freedom right down to the second.
I feel that I should be living like this anyway but when you are feeling like crap, its hard to get out and make the most of your life. Now that I feel good, I'm going to do it all (like get all the stuff I need to get done...done).

Here's my preg-tastic list of 'awesome' things to do before baby:
1. Christmas shopping--> As apart of the 'tribe' we Heebs don't usually play Christmas. My in-laws do and even though they are getting a baby, I don't want to forgo the excitement of Christmas pressies just because I'm having that baby. I love my in-laws and they already do so much for both me and Alex. I can make them happy by not disappointing them on Christmas morning. I will brave whatever mall I have to brave (or order necessary items online) and have them wrapped and ready to go!
2. Waxing--> I'm well aware that at the moment, I'm not going to care who's looking at my 'woman-business' when I'm pushing 'Peanut' out of there. There is just something about cleaning yourself up before an event that makes you feel special. Who knows when the next time I'm going to be able to leave my house for an hour to have this done without worry? Alex will obviously play Daddy-Daycare for occasions like this but I still want to get it taken care of. Also, now that I can't reach my legs to shave them, having someone else wax them is a good option. Even though I can't see it, I'm sure there is plenty of hair there.
3. Seeing friends--> I have a baby shower this weekend for my friend Emma (not me!). I told her I wouldn't miss it for the world. Well, in reality, if this baby makes its debut early then I'm going to have to deliver the sweet gift I got her another time. I'm still going and I'm going to have a riot. I'm also seeing my cousins this weekend and my awesomely amazing friend Andrea. Andrea and I are always laughing our guts out so there is a pretty good chance that she is going to induce my water breaking by simply cracking a witty comment or telling me a hilarious story. Be ready for Sunday folks!
4. Cooking--> My parents keep telling me that I should make some meals and freeze them for easy access. I hate frozen food. This is why I'm just going to cook large meals and hope that I go into labour with plenty of left-overs in the fridge. If someone wants to volunteer their services by cooking Alex and I delicious Gluten Free dinners for a few weeks, we would greatly appreciate it. :)
Either way, I've been baking cupcakes like they are going out of style. I'm not eating them all; don't worry. They are for others.
5. Go to the liquor store--> I plan on breastfeeding. I know I'm not supposed to be liquored up to do this but after nine months, I'm ready to stock up before the holiday rush. I also want to pick the Champagne I plan on drinking after I deliver. Yes, its going to be pricey. Yes, I'm going to make Alex buy it. Yes, I plan on drinking it as quickly after I deliver as possible.
6. Alex--> I'm going to just leave it at that. (My family reads this).
7. (Lastly) Rest--> I know I just pulled a full 180 on you all but in-between all the excitement of getting my list done and getting ready for 'Peanut', I do still need some rest. I can feel it in my feet at the end of the day and realistically, I need to look after myself as best I can right now. I will (inevitably) soon be #2 and my own rest and comfort will soon be second chair to a screaming, pooping, burping, bundle. If I don't schedule it, it won't happen.

Even with all these things I want to do, I'm not caught up in them. Everything is flexible (even the rest). This week, I learned that life will hand me lemons. Lucky for me, I love lemons and I'm fully capable of handling lemons under all conditions (and contractions).
More than the energy, the best part of reaching 37 weeks, it the positive outlook I now have on the next chapter of my life. Even with all the chaos of my week, I feel a boost of confidence that I have never had before. I still have the healthy fears like every new mom. I'm undoubtably terrified about pretty much all aspects of having a baby but after this week, I feel good about knowing that I am competent and work exceptionally well under pressure and physical discomfort.
Now for the hard part, waiting.

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