Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Phase #1

Hey Sports-Fans!
Here's a quick update from this morning's post.

After I finished my post at around 5:30am, I felt pretty gassed so I went to sleep for a couple of hours. The fact that I could sleep through my contractions meant that they weren't super fast and furious. I was feeling generally okay until about 7:30am. My Mom called and some work-dudes knocked on our door asking us to move our cars. We were up. My contractions had slowed to a dull 'once-in-a-while' pace.
At about 10am, we went to see Captain Steve for a routine appointment.
He checked me out and while I was there, I had a few more contractions but nothing worth noting as monumental. Apparently, he said that I could have just had a small leak and that my water was not completely broken. He sent us on our way and said he'd call at 2pm (12 hours since my "water" broke).
After a delicious Pizza lunch, we went home and I napped until Captain Steve called at 2pm. Still no major contractions or anything exciting. We discussed waiting 6-8 hours before I call the hospital again and we will make a call as to whether or not I will be admitted and induced. After I got off the phone with him, I stood up and leaked all over myself again. Ick.

Alex and I were going bat-shit crazy by this point so I paced around and did some yoga to move things along. When I get a contraction, I feel success is on its way. Unfortunately, we haven't been feeling much success tonight. I'm getting contractions once every 20-25 minutes and I'm not writhing in pain.
My parents came by and Captain Steve called again around 6:45pm. He told us to go to the hospital around 9pm to be checked out. If I have ruptured membranes then I will be induced and we will have our baby in our hands by tomorrow morning. If not, then we are home again for some more sporadic labour and hopefully some sleep.

Overall, today was painful (not physically) but emotionally. Both Alex and I are super impatient and we would love to move this along but if there is one thing we've learned its not to fuck with mother nature (unless you are medically trained!).

If I'm home tonight, expect an update. If not, I'll write you all on the other side when I have 'Peanut' safely in my arms. :)

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