Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I made it through 8 months of teaching Attack pregnant; now for the hard stuff!

So yesterday I taught my last Body Attack class.
As mentioned in my Facebook post for today, I am pretty sad to be giving that class up. The members were amazingly supportive and always happy to participate. Even when the workout was brutally hard, they kept moving and never complained.
For anyone who has never taken a Body Attack class before, you should know that it is NOT easy. It is a sports-based cardio workout that builds stamina and strength. There are moves that are extremely difficult for the novice exerciser and to top it all off, there is no stopping. Of course there are lower impact options so that anyone can do the class safely but even without the impact, the workout is hard.
To top it all off, the program directors of Body Attack have added strength tracks into the workout so you get a full body experience. There are push ups, lunges and abdominal work as the piece-de-resistance.
I have been teaching this program for about two years now. I'm trained to coach my members to help them achieve their fitness goals week after week. Throughout my pregnancy, it got really hard to talk and teach but this is what I have trained to do.
I've been really lucky to see improvement in many of my consistent members and I'm so proud of them for pushing themselves to achieve their fitness goals.
As for me, I honestly didn't think that I was going to make it until one month before my due date but I did.
I also achieved my goal.

People often find that they are most successful when they set goals for themselves. This rings true for fitness, education and pretty much anything. If you are dedicated to your goal, you will achieve it.
I understand that often there are hiccups/obstacles that stand between us and our goals but they are apart of the journey to accomplishment.
Sometimes the journey is wonderful and often times, the journey is a drag. Either way, we all need a path to get us to where we want to be.
My journey, for the last 8 months has been a mixed bag of emotional and physical stepping stones that I have both enjoyed and despised. For example, being pregnant has been great for writing about. There are endless topics I could dote over (some icky but most funny). On the flip side, pregnancy has also been a harsh realization that my body doesn't work the same way it used to and my ever-expanding-stature makes me very uncomfortable physically (I can no longer tie my shoes).
I've been told to enjoy it. I try to. Every time 'Peanut' kicks, I admit that I get excited thinking about the end product of my pregnancy; baby. My baby.
Eye on the prize.

Lucky for me, my prize is due in exactly a month. I have four more weeks of waiting and then I will have my world turned upside down for the best.
I would like to say that I'm ready. I'm ready to evict my womb-squatter and tie my shoes again but is anyone ever ready for their first child?

Last night, Alex and I were discussing our neighbour's new arrival and how the baby was born a few weeks early. Alex admitted that their situation hits close to home (duh, I'm having a baby soon too). What he meant was that we could go to sleep, the two of us, any night in the next four weeks and by the following morning, we could be parents. I think he was a bit freaked out by the notion that we are so close to a lifetime of responsibility that we could never imagine. The good news is that we are in this together.
Whatever our journey has in store, neither of us are going to be going at this alone.
'Peanut' is our ultimate goal. The journey to get to 'Peanut' (although coming to a quick end) has been rocky at times but overall healthy and entertaining to say the least.
Where we are about to achieve one goal of a healthy baby upon delivery, our new journey as parents is about to begin. Time to set some new goals.

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