Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Here we are at week 35!

Good news everyone!
By the end of next week, I will have made it to 'full term'!

Doctor's say that 'full term' is categorized as 37 weeks. Personally, I feel like I was at 'full term' ages ago.  I understand that 'Peanut' isn't quite cooked yet, but one would think so after the nightly acrobatics show Alex and I get to watch.
My stomach has distended (but not to the point where I'm enormous). We can see kicks and rolls and begin to identify parts of 'Peanut'. Last night we saw a foot and an elbow. I know it sounds like a scene from "Aliens", but its actually kind of cute.
My stomach on the other hand, is not cute. I don't have stretch marks but I do have a weird dark line bisecting my entire abdomen. On top of that, being part monkey, I have a serious line of dark hair to cover it up. Yikes. The worst part about it is that I can't see past my belly button so I have to rely on the mirror to show me the reality of my tummy. I've actually been standing, looking in the mirror, and wondering if the mirror just needed a good clean or if my tummy actually looked like that. I cleaned the mirror and yes, my tummy does look like that.
No one tells you that your stomach is going to look as weird as it does but they do tell you that the dark bisecting like (linea negra) goes away. Fine. I doubt the hair will disappear but that's what wax is for.

At 35 weeks, the weird looking belly isn't what's got me creeped out. I admit that it is different and definitely something to get used to. What really gets me are my feet.
I have never understood the reality of cankles until last week. Also, my little piggies have decided that they want to bust out of their casing and I have over-cooked sausage toes.
I'm aware that most of this is the result of water-retention and over-exertion but man do my feet feel weird.
After 35 weeks, I've seen my body do a whole lot of bizarre things and I know that it is just going to keep getting stranger but having swollen feet is (for me) by far, the most unpleasant thing to happen. I don't even mind the lower back pain or the cramps, the swollen feet have to GO!

I tell my clients that they should always be wearing sensible shoes and train in really good running shoes. Everyone should have at least one pair of shoes specifically fitted to the needs of their activity and foot-type. I change my runners every 3 months. Yes, 3 MONTHS! It gets expensive, no doubt, but physio is also expensive and I have no patience for injuries as a result of improper footwear.
Being pregnant has slowed my shoe shopping down a little. I still bought myself new runners two weeks ago to get me though the next month and the beginning of my postpartum adventure.
So far, I'm still suffering from puffy toes and swollen legs but at least the shoes are fun and the fit over any and all swelling.

As for the rest of me, I'm still feeling good. I could nap anywhere and at any time but I was like that even before I was pregnant.
The official countdown is on!