Monday, November 21, 2011

Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

It's back.
The common cold has struck me down.

After last week's series of unfortunate events, the only thing to top it is a cold.
As mentioned in my last post about the pregnant cold, this is no fun. Before, when I was sick, the weather was a bit nicer and I could at least go outside and get some fresh air. Now that we are into mid November, the sun has stopped warming and lighting Canada, and only comes out as a tease; to remind us that for the next five months, we are going to be uncomfortable and cold.

Now that I've reached 38 weeks, I've hit that point where I'm uncomfortable without illness. I can't really move or sleep well, and every time I blow my nose, I'm afraid my water is going to break. I actually had a mild scare today. It turned out to just be pee. (It still made a mess and it still freaked me out a bit).
Having a cold is never fun for anyone. For everyone else, who isn't pregnant though, you get to take drugs. I don't. Well, I was told today by the pharmacist at Loblaws that I can take Benadryl. Seriously?
I'm not going to take it (even though some relief would be nice).
First of all, I made it through my last cold without it and I'm going to do it again. For me, it is the principal of the whole thing. Had I known that I could take Benadryl, I would have drugged myself LONG ago. Now that I'm going through my SECOND cold of my pregnancy and only now I find out that Benadryl is safe, I refuse to take it. (I know I'm stubborn but just wait for reason #2).
Reason #2: Captain Steve told me to tough it out. I may joke that he's a shifty fellow but he's seen everything and if he says NO DRUGS, then NO DRUGS. :(
I get it that he's never been pregnant, so I do find it hard to take him seriously sometimes but I'm going to assume that he knows best (even without suffering first hand). I've trusted my care to him and I will continue to follow his advice (even if I end up suffering).
Finally, being sick is a drag but excellent communication on behalf of my body. If I went for the drugs, then I worry that I wouldn't be able to actually understand what my body is telling me. For example, the Benadryl would knock me right out. I'm a lightweight when it comes to medication and I know that NOTHING would wake me from my Benadryl coma (not even pee). I would inevitably wake up to Alex shaking me to get out of a wet bed. He wouldn't know if I had peed or if it was "go time", and this would freak him out. At least if I'm not drugged, I can shake Alex awake and tell him that I peed and that we need to change the sheets. He would be pissed (ha ha!) and less freaked out to wake up in a puddle that I can explain.

So what have I been doing to get some relief from this awful cold you ask?
Well, my sister was kind enough to give me a Nedipot and show me how to use it. If anyone has tried one, they know that this is the BEST thing ever! Yes, you are going to have a nose full of saline solution but it is totally worth it and awesome. Basically, you blow warm salt water up your nose and everything (seriously, EVERYTHING) comes out. This relief lasts for about three hours (enough to get you to sleep comfortably) and it contains no drugs. I've already done it three times today and I plan on going for a fourth "blow" before sleep time tonight. It doesn't hurt and it really isn't as unpleasant as getting water up your nose at the swimming pool. No burning, just snot.
I've been given the okay for Fisherman's Friend lozenges. WHOA! Those are strong cough drops! They also work really well. If you are preggo and have a cold, I would go easy on them because they make your tummy a little uncomfortable because they are so strong but they will clear you up good! Also, they are made of menthol which is not amazing for moms-to-be but if you can't breathe and you are waking up your partner in the middle of the night because you are gasping for air, then these will work in a pinch.
My final sickness solution is old fashioned rest. I sounds simple but your body is working hard at doing two things: 1. Growing a baby and 2. Fighting a cold. Curl up under a warm blanket with a cup of lemon tea, a good book, and your kitty cat and take a real sick day or two. Try not to let being sick get the best of your spirits even though it will bum you out.

So, being sick and pregnant is a pretty unpleasant combination but not unbearable. The good news is that both conditions are temporary and I'm almost at the end of both. :)

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