Monday, November 28, 2011

"Thunder Cats are GO!"

If you haven't seen the movie 'Juno', I highly recommend it.
Instead of a sob story about a knocked up teenager, Juno really enlightens the audience with her quirky personality and oddly kind heart.
I'm not Juno.
I'm by no means Juno.
Her baby was an accident and she intended to give it up for adoption right from the get-go.
My baby is mine. MINE! Keeping!

Even though Juno and I are not (by any stretch of the imagination) in the same predicament (other than the whole pregnancy thing), there are some clever moments that I have adopted from the movie to help me gain some clarity over the past eight and a half months.
The one I'm going to touch on today deals with informing the public that "IT'S TIME!!!".

I'm due next Wednesday/Thursday (Captain Steve and I really don't know what day exactly so I get two due dates).
Over the past few weeks, I can admit that I've been super duper uncomfortable. I'm unhappy in my ever-expanding skin (because even my maternity clothes are too small); I have to pee every five seconds; I can't bend over to pick anything up-which is a real drag considering I'm super clumsy and dropping stuff all over the place; and I'm having 'practice' contractions.

Alex has been a saint throughout all this. He gets frustrated with me when I forget stuff or drop things but overall, he's kept it to himself. I reckon that he looks at me and thinks to himself, "Geez, glad that cow standing over there crying over her dropped bowl of yogurt isn't me".
Regardless of the unpleasantness of the final weeks of pregnancy, nothing compares to the excitement that at any moment, it could be GO TIME.
Because we are both a little edgy, we've been calling each other throughout the day more than usual.
After my fender-bender, I realized that I calling Alex while hyperventilating and freaking out is not a good way to start any conversation, especially when my tone could be mistaken for signs of labour.

In 'Juno', Juno's Dad is a former Naval officer (or something army related). The script was cleverly written to include a code for IT'S TIME; ergo, when Juno's water breaks, she calls out, "Thunder Cats are GO!"

I like this. It makes sense to have a specific code for an occasion like this so that when I call Alex during the day, he can know exactly what's shaking. I figure that Juno's code is ambiguous enough to only mean one thing and it has already worked in a fictional setting so why wouldn't it apply to real life? (Ha ha!)
If Alex receives a text with "Thunder Cats are GO!" he knows I'm in labour and that he should come home and take me to the hospital.
We've extended this code to my parents (and my in-laws, who are hopefully reading this). If they receive a short call or text with "Thunder Cats are GO!", Alex and I have left for the hospital because I'm in active labour and there is going to be a BABY! They can do what they want with this information, like meet us at Mt. Sinai or go to our house and make sure Marley has food (or change my sheets because I will have inevitably had my water break all over the bed). Either way, my family does want to know if "Thunder Cats are GO!" so this will include them in the loop.

We are expecting 'Peanut' to make its debut soon. When that moment comes, don't you all worry, I will inform you when "Thunder Cats are GO!" too. :)

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